Founder: Elena Palagka
/Μy name is Elena Palagka and I am a professional dog trainer, specialized in service dog training for children and adults with visible and invisible disabilities. Additionally I am a certified dog groomer and a pet bereavement counselor, with studies in the United States of America, the United Kingdom and Greece.
My studies in the dog training field started when I was still in my high school years in Wisconsin, USA. There I received my first certificate from J&K Nine Academy of Dog Training and that was the place where I had my first working experience as a dog trainer, teaching an obedience group class. In the same year, I received my Dog's Groomer Diploma from the Academy of Dog Grooming Arts in Chicago, Illinois.
Moving on to more specialized training, I later received my Master Trainer certificate from National K9 school for dog trainers, accredited by the State of Ohio in Columbus, Ohio, USA.
My specialized training in the field of service dogs took place at 4 Paws for Ability; a non profit organization which provides service dogs to children with disabilities and veterans worldwide and is located in Xenia, Ohio, USA. At 4 Paws, I obtained all the necessary certifications and accreditation and I completed my internship.
I am a professional Pet Bereavement Counselor from the Blackford center of Pet Bereavement in the United Kingdom with an ABC Diploma. In addition to the specialized studies, over the years I also attended numerous seminars, in order to enrich my knowledge in the training of dogs.
Since 2015 I have been the founder of the non profit organization ''Nina Service Dogs'' based in Greece, which provides service dogs mainly to children and occasionally to adults with disabilities. Nina Service Dogs, provides services in Greece, Cyprus, the wider Balkan region and all over continental Europe.